Hello, I am Sheikh Ravi Musalin

Software Engineer

a picture of me :-)

What I do

Software Engineer

Experience with building Full-Stack Applications. First in 2022 as a Junior Software Developer Trainee and then again in 2023 during my time at Hackbright Academy, a coding bootcamp that was sponsored by Walmart Global Tech.

My Work

During my time as a Software Developer Trainee I built applications using the MERN stack that include a Weather App and a Exercise Tracker. In addition to this, my capstone project at Hackbright Academy was a application called MyLibrary which utilized Python, Flask, PostgreSQL and Jinja templates. Seperate to this experience I have developed personal projects that inclide a TicTacToe game and the website you are on right now! Please navigate to the My Projects section to learn more.

My Skills

Python, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SQL , MongoDB, React.js, Express.js, Node.js, Flask, PostgreSQL

My Work

Who I am

Software Engineer based out of New York City

I am a graduate of Baruch College, with a Bachelor's degree in Economics. I am also a graduate of Hackbright Academy, a coding bootcamp.


My Projects

A selection of my range of work